An informal time of worship. The hall is open from 10:00am.
We are joining with the United Reformed Church, next door, for a bible study. All are welcome to attend. For further information please contact us.
Meditations Inspired by The Stories Of Jesus
Experience the power of
Christian mindfulness meditation.
Taketime meditations use your imagination to provide a calm, comfortable space in which to meet God. Anyone can use these meditations, regardless of background or religion. They are inclusive and no previous knowledge or experience is required. Visit
All Ages Welcome
Are you feeling overwhelmed, worn out, or just want a chat?
Then come to our drop in for a cuppa and find rest for your soul.
St Clare’s Hospice Bereavement Cafe – meet and connect with others who understand
- Chat, share and support each other
- Free, informal cafe-style event
- Facilitated by trained volunteers
- Everyone is welcome
New creative group, bring your craft projects or use the materials provided. Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at the salvation army hall, abbey lane. All welcome.
An informal time of worship. The hall is open from 10:00am.
All are welcomed to this service at which The Salvation Army will be involved. This service replaces our usual one.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, worn out, or just want a chat?
Then come to our drop in for a cuppa and find rest for your soul.
An informal time of worship. The hall is open from 10:00am.